Friday, February 25, 2011

Interview With Sandra Tabatha Cicero

BIO: Sandra “Tabatha” Cicero is an American esoteric author and lecturer, best known for her work in the field of Western Hermeticism. Born in rural Wisconsin in 1959, Cicero graduated from the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee with a Bachelor's Degree in Fine Arts in 1982. She has worked as an entertainer, typesetter, editor, commercial artist, a computer graphics illustrator, and a paralegal. She met her husband, Chic Cicero, in the early 1980s when she was initiated into the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. The Ciceros are two of the G.H. Chiefs of the contemporary Order of the same name, which claims initiatory lineage to the original Golden Dawn through their mentor, Israel Regardie. The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn is an international Order with Temples in several countries ( Tabatha is also the Supreme Magus (Imperatrix) of the Societas Rosicruciana in America, a Rosicrucian Order that was founded in 1907 (

Tabatha and Chic have co-authored several successful books on the Golden Dawn, Tarot, Qabalah, and the Western Mystery Tradition including The Essential Golden Dawn, which won a COVR award in 2004 as one of the year's best titles in the field of magic. Together, the Ciceros have edited, annotated and added new material to recent editions of classic magical texts by Israel Regardie including The Middle Pillar, A Garden of Pomegranates, and The Tree of Life. At the encouragement of Israel Regardie she painted The Golden Dawn Magical Tarot.

They are also regular contributors to Hermetic Virtues Magazine ( and on-line store, specializing in hand-crafted Golden Dawn implements.

1. What is it that first got you interested in the Golden Dawn and what was it that made you want to dedicate your life to studying and practicing it?

I have always had a very strong sense of the Divine Presence and a keen interest in comparative religion, the occult, and esoteric subjects of all stripes. In the early 1980s I came across Regardie’s book, The Golden Dawn in a Walden's book store in San Angelo, Texas. It was the blue hard-cover Llewellyn edition. I browsed through the pages and thought to myself, “This is the only book on magic that I will ever need.“ I had $38 in my pocket, and the price was around $37.50. I considered this a good sign. When I looked at the ritual of the Pentagram, I was immediately attracted to the organization of the workings. The invocation of the archangels had me hooked immediately. The very first time I performed the LBRP and visualized the four archangels around me, there was no turning away from the system. I had to know more.

2. Is there one thing you can pick out from your experience with the Golden Dawn that has really impacted your personal growth such as a mystical experience, lesson, magical working etc.?

I'd have to say that, over the course of my esoteric journey, there have been several mystical experiences that have had a profound impact on me. I can honestly say that one of those graceful synchronicities we call "magic" was present at every major event in my life where I came into contact with one of my teachers (being in the right place at the right time, usually through highly convoluted circumstances), so that I could meet some person of great importance to my spiritual quest.

I have never considered myself a particularly psychic person. When I first joined the Golden Dawn in 1983, I was asked what magical motto I wanted to use in the Outer Order. Being a Double Taurus with a rural background, I said " how about Child of Earth?" (This was translated as Felia Telluris.) At the time of my initiation into the Neophyte Grade, I heard the Officers keep referring to me as "Child of Earth." It wasn't until later that I realized they were not referring to my newly adopted magical motto, but rather the generic title of the Neophyte who has started up the path of Initiation. This is exactly what I mean by a "graceful synchronicity" so typical of magic. It was the kind of numinous event that lets a person know when he or she is on the right path.

The most memorable events in my life revolve around the teachers and friends I have had the pleasure of knowing along the way: Israel Regardie, my soul mate Chic Cicero, my Hierophant, and the many wonderful Fratres and Sorores who have shared the journey with me for almost 30 years. It's rare these days that a core group of people in a magical Order can actually remain close friends and magical companions for three decades of ritual work. It is a true honor and privilege.

3. You are well known for your scholarly contributions to the Golden Dawn community. After the years that you have spent studying, writing, and teaching can you tell us what aspects of the Golden Dawn system you feel are most important for a person to learn and study?

If I could name only one aspect of the GD curriculum that I feel is essential, it would have to be the Qabalah. The Qabalah is the single most important area of study for any magician—offering a wealth of information to anyone who examines it in depth. It is the dominant segment of Western occult philosophy, and portions of it permeate Jewish, Christian, Hermetic and Pagan esoteric practice. Regardie said that “the Qabalah is a trustworthy guide, leading to a comprehension of the Universe and one’s own self.” The Qabalistic Tree of Life can be described as a double-helix DNA blueprint of God in the Divine Universe; its pattern exists everywhere. As Magicians we must not only explore the various aspects of the Qabalah, we must also integrate its teachings in our very souls.

4. Is there anything about the Golden Dawn system that you haven't been able to delve into as deeply as you like but are really looking forward to exploring further?

There are always more aspects to the system that could stand further development and examination. At the moment I am busy finishing up a book on Dr. Wynn Westcott's Enochian Tablets. My study of these unique Tablets has lead me into new avenues of exploration into the Golden Dawn Enochian system. It's been an exciting project.

But every aspect of the GD system needs to be explored and meditated upon. It is an endless source of inspiration, knowledge, and ritual work. I don't think it is possible for anyone to say, "I know everything there is to know about the Golden Dawn system of magic." There is always more to be known.

5. Is there still Golden Dawn material that remains unpublished or has not ever been made public? If so, do you think it will be important for those who may have their hands on it to eventually get this information out to the public?

There is still unpublished archival material out there, and I believe Chic and I have seen most of it. Eventually all such materials will be made available to the general public through the proper channels.

But just because something is unpublished doesn't make it somehow better than material that has been published. Some unpublished material just seems stale and dated. It might be useful from a historical perspective to have access to this material, but I believe that some people have placed far too much importance on the acquisition of old papers and far too little focus on what is ultimately important to the Great Work—personal evolution and spiritual growth. If I only had a dime for every time I heard about someone hording old papers or lording their possession of such papers over others, like a child bragging about having the best toys in front of other children. Even worse, there is at least one recent instance of an individual duping people into giving him copies of unpublished documents, allegedly for his own private use, which he then publishes, breaking the trust of people in the esoteric community under totally false pretenses. In any event, I can't think of one instance where owning a bunch of papers makes anyone a better person or a "superior" magician. It's just ridiculous and arrogant.

At the other end of the "paper hoarding" spectrum, you have people who actually destroy rare magical documents so that nobody else can learn from them. That's just so sad.

A living magical tradition takes its guidance from the past, but it must evolve to be relevant to lives of modern-day Initiates. For example, archeologists are always uncovering new information about the ancient world—things that were just not known in the Victorian era. Therefore, our knowledge of ancient Egyptian beliefs and practices may change, and this can influence our modern praxis. We must learn from the past, not become slaves to it. The words of a ritual on a old piece of paper do not come alive—they do not become magic—until we perform and internalize them. If we don't, they remain just "words, words, words."

6. As someone who is involved with publishing books on the Golden Dawn tradition, do you feel there are certain responsibilities to the public that must be remembered by those who would seek to do to the same?

I think it is very important for modern authors to remember that it is absolutely fine to build upon and adapt the traditional teachings of the Golden Dawn to a more modern approach, and even a mixture of different spiritual traditions, so long as the various sources are made perfectly clear to readers. Some people prefer a traditional approach, while others add teachings from various spiritual paths: Theosophy, Thelema, Wicca, etc. So long as these different approaches work within the framework of their respective Orders, and spiritual growth is achieved by the Initiates, who is to say that one way is right and the others wrong?
Do magicians from various groups always have to argue about how many angels will fit on the head of pin?

However, authors have a responsibility to make sure that whatever materials they advocate are clearly identified as to their origins: original GD manuscripts, an spin-off Order, a specific temple within the greater Golden Dawn Tradition, a specific teacher's oral tradition, or the author's own thoughts and adaptations of GD material.

For example: the modern tri-colored Caduceus Wand that many Golden Dawn groups use today differs from the traditional staff used by the original Order and its offshoots. The modern version did not come from Israel Regardie. It was a product of Chic's work in the Isis-Urania Temple in Georgia in the late 1970s. This wand IS the Caduceus of Hermes. To many of us, it is an obvious and logical improvement over a simple colored staff supposed to "represent" the Caduceus of Hermes. The Caduceus of Hermes, with its entwined serpents, is explained in the 2=9 Ritual in the speech describing the Keryx's Lamen. It certainly would have been easier to use the caduceus symbolism in the Lamen rather than to make a full Caduceus staff. However, the word Caduceus is derived from the Greek Kerykeion which means "herald's staff." The word Kerykeion is the origin of the word keryx or "messenger, herald," and the oldest form of the Kerykeion was a rod with two twining serpents at the top in such a way that they resembled horns—this later morphed into what we know as the Mercury symbol. Either the Kerykeion or the full Caduceus form would make a proper "Staff of the Herald" or "Rod of Hermes." In my opinion, a simple tri-colored staff with no serpents attached would be half of the "Herald's Staff," or a portion of the actual "Rod of Hermes," minus the two primary conduits of energy. You could easily hold the Caduceus by the bottom (blue) section of the wand by creating a Caduceus with a longer shaft and smaller serpents. I've seen plenty of perfectly fine adaptations, including a 6" metal caduceus affixed to the top of tri-colored staff.

Is the modern Caduceus Wand of the Golden Dawn as described in Secrets of a Golden Dawn Temple traditional? No. Is it better than a traditional painted staff said to "symbolize" a Caduceus Wand? We certainly think so.

In books such as Tarot Talismans, Chic and I try to indicate where we have used traditional Golden Dawn teachings and where we have adapted those teachings for a new approach. It's just a good rule of thumb.

7. The Golden Dawn is obviously a very male dominated tradition...but over the past five to ten years more and more women have been joining. Is there any advice you can give to other women out there about traveling this path?

I'm not so sure that it is fair to say that the Golden Dawn is a "very male dominated tradition." During the heyday of the original Golden Dawn, about one-third of the members were women, and many of them came from the Theosophical Society. The original GD added Eastern Theosophic elements to the GD curriculum in order to attract more women Initiates. There were a number of strong women in positions of power in the original Order: Florence Farr, Annie Horniman, Moina Mathers... These were hardly "shrinking violets." They were excellent role models for today's female Initiates.

Of course there are many more women who choose Wiccan-type groups over ceremonial magic. Why is this? I believe it has to do with both perception and opportunity. People mistakenly assume the Golden Dawn is male-dominated—I've never thought of it that way. As for opportunity, men who are interested in esoteric subjects have traditionally had more opportunity to connect with each-other through Masonic organizations. In contrast, magically-inclined women have had much more opportunity to connect with each other through the neo-pagan community.

In our Order, women make up close to half of the membership. We have been very blessed to have a number of strong women in charge of several temples over the years. From the very beginning of our Order, at least one of the G.H. Chiefs has always been female.

I guess I would tell women who are thinking of exploring the Golden Dawn Tradition to remember that the Neophyte Hall, also called the "Hall of Two Truths" is dedicated to the goddess Maat, goddess of Justice and Truth, and two highest officers in the Hall, Praemonstrator and Imperator, are associated with the sister goddesses Isis and Nephthys.

8. How would you like to see the Golden Dawn tradition grow over the next 100 years? Are there personal goals you have that you would like to see manifest before it gets passed onto the next generation?

I am happy to see the various ways that our Order, as well as other Golden Dawn Orders, are taking the tradition out of the dusty archives and keeping the GD a vibrant, living tradition for seekers of diverse paths. This is vitally important, and it doesn't matter whether the group is considered traditional GD or mixed tradition GD—it must be a living system that is capable of growth and evolution within the context of its own core principles.

Our own Order is very traditional, and yet we are fully willing to make what we consider to be enhancements of the GD system or corrections of errors in the old documents. Take for example the colors of the Hebrew letters on the Minutum Mundum diagram and the Rose from the Golden Dawn’s Rose Cross Lamen. All the old documents from the Golden Dawn, Stella Matutina, and the Alpha et Omega state that the King Scale color of the Path of Yod (or Virgo) is Yellow-green. That’s fine, but they also state that the color of the letter Teth (or Leo) is greenish-yellow. That is just wrong. They can’t both be the same color, neither of which is a primary color. Take a look at the Rose—it is a true artist’s color wheel. If you look at the outer petals of the Rose, you can see quite easily that the color of Teth (Leo) has to be pure, primary yellow, otherwise the color wheel doesn’t work.

In another example, we feel that the correct name of the angel of elemental Fire is Ariel ("Lion of God") not Aral. The original GD documents preserved a mistake in Agrippa wherein the names of Ariel and Aral were switched. This age-old confusion is due to the fact that the four rulers of the elements were not recognized as the names of orders of angels: Seraph, Tharsis, Kerub, and Aral (Arel or Erel) are actually the singular forms of Seraphim, Tarshishim, Kerubim, and Erelim.

So even traditional Golden Dawn groups like ours change things when we feel that certain points can be improved upon, while remaining true to the spirit and ethos of the original teachings. As magicians, we shouldn't be so tied to the past that we take "tradition" for gospel, leaving no room for the creative innovation and inspiration that is the very hallmark of magical practice.

8. What do you think is the biggest challenge for a student of the Golden Dawn and what advice do you have for over-coming it?

The biggest challenge by far is to avoid the trap of Ego inflation: Regardie was adamant about this, which was why he suggested that magical students undergo some form of psychotherapy to guard against this phenomenon. We experience something called infantile megalomania in early childhood, when we all believe that we are the very center of the universe—our own wants and needs are paramount to everything else. As we mature, we grow out of this stage of extreme-self-centeredness. However, the practice of magic can sometimes result in the reemergence this mechanism, especially in those who may have an inflated ego to begin with. The practice of magic works to expand the mind’s latent psychic abilities.

Unfortunately some magicians begin to experience delusions of grandeur and messianic tendencies as the infantile megalomania is reactivated. In magic, infantile megalomania (the "I am the New Prophet" syndrome) is very easy to spot—they are the ones always bragging and tooting their own horn, claiming to have all the best magical toys, disparaging other magicians continuously, proclaiming to be the world's single greatest magician, boasting lineage that goes all the way back to Atlantis, etc.—you get the idea.

One of the best ways to overcome ego-inflation is to listen to the advice of your Fratres and Sorores as well as others in the greater GD community: whenever you start to get a swelled head and visions of grandeur, you can be sure that other magicians will step up to the plate and take you down a few notches, as well they should. (It is a bit more difficult when the offending egotist is the head of a temple or Order—in that case the membership may be too blinkered or fearful to let the leader know that he or she is swimming off-course.)

Luckily, most magicians within the GD tradition strive to maintain psychic balance and spiritual equilibrium, which are among the specific goals of the Outer Order work.

9. At some point, if a person studies long enough they may be blessed with serving as a teacher of this tradition. Can you give us some words of wisdom about the nature of teaching this path? Is there anything that we should always keep at the forefront of our minds?

There is an old Zen saying that covers it nicely: "Before enlightenment: Chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment: Chop wood, carry water." Always remember that your students are your companions on the path of Light. You have something of value to teach them. Be open for those times when they have something to teach you. Never, ever feel that you are superior to anyone else. And be damn certain that you don't begin to treat anyone else as if you were.

10. Do you have any current projects in the works that you would like to share with us? Anything exciting that we can look forward to?

We currently have several irons in the fire: Basics of Magic—The Best of the Golden Dawn Journal: Book II: Qabalah, and Westcott's Enochian Tablets, both published through HOGD Books, will be available sometime next year. Also, look for a new annotated edition of Regardie's The Philosopher's Stone coming from Llewellyn. In addition, we are working on a book/oracle deck on the Qabalah tentatively called The Tree of Wisdom: Experiencing the Magic of the Qabalah, and another book on the Mystery Religions with the working title of Hiera Mysteria: The Sacred Mysteries. A Survey of the Western Mystery Traditions, both Ancient and Modern.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Tradition of The Golden Dawn...How To Find Your True Self

What really is the "Tradition" of the Golden Dawn? Some would say its the magical techniques passed from teacher to student, some might describe it as a special Current that flows through the Orders, some might say it is a system of core beliefs that the Golden Dawn is based in. Arguably, you could say it is all of these...however I believe that our wonderful system is filled with something much more precious that gives the Golden Dawn its "Tradition", an essence that reaches above the physical and is thus beyond all of these things which I stated above and more.

The problem with some of the more terrestrial answers such as 'its teachings", "its Current" "its beliefs" that although each of these come attached with a lofty ideal they are still imperfect in that they in their nature can still be used to defile the system or another. How many times have we seen on the internet and possibly even within our own Orders that a person has used the words "Golden Dawn Tradition" to either support their own views or even nay say another's.

Today I recieved a post which stated "This whole idea that within the GD there is voting is ridiculous...Voting does not exist in the Golden Dawn in any Order that I know of....I want to make it clear that in the Golden Dawn Tradition there is no voting. I know this offends Americans, but the Golden Dawn is a Hierarachy not a monarchy or a democracy"

Now for someone who is power hungry or seeks to place themselves above others, this statement may sound like the Holy damn! and you can use the words "Golden Dawn Tradition" all the way to the bank, into some girls pants and more! All you have to do is start your own GD Order and state "Tradition!"

But, the real root of the Golden Dawn, the singular aspect that every "tradition", ritual, and belief is based on is not a tradition at all...its the spiritual goal of becoming one with the True Self/ The Higher Genius. This is the only thing that one should base their personal development on. The one question one should constantly be asking themselves is..."Is this ______(fill in the blank) going to bring me to union with my Higher Genius?".

And I hate to break it to the power hungry peeps out there... but only you can know, and it is your duty to find out how to do that. Allowing anyone to use the excuse that something is part of a tradition in order to make you go against what is your proper path in life will do nothing but take you further from the Truth and cause you and others ultimate pain. And sometimes, when one is going through their alchemical growth one must shun the old and bring in the new. Like Osiris, there comes a time when one must die to the old so they can be reborn again. Only you can know...and how do you know?

This is a legitimate question because everyone who is apart of a spiritual path must know how to make decisions for their spiritual growth otherwise one would put all their faith in symbols, persons, and other outside entities to save you, when your Higher Genius in from the realm within. You must learn how to validly determine what your dharma is. Following are a few things that I have witnessed over my years as a magician to be some of the most effective tools in this process.

1. Divination- I often tell my 0=0 students that if they can only focus on one magical technique in the Outer Order besides their banishings this is it. Divination is an indispensible tool to the magician. Not only does a Tarot Reading allow you to see the influences surrounding a situation but the process of divination itself allows one to develop the Nechamah. It is through the Nechamah that a magician becomes truly intouch with their higher intuition. The process of invoking higher forces to guide you in your divination allows one to connect to their Higher Self, and the process of doing the readings themself help one to hone their skills in discrimination. Tarot doesn't come easy for everyone, it can take a lot of practice. I was not very good at Tarot when I first started but after diligently practicing one day the cards "opened themselves up like a book" the power from it was profound. Tarot of course is not the only from of divination available, pick what works best for you and use it.

2. Contemplation. The best mind is a quiet mind. When all else fails, your True Self is there...waiting to open itself up to you. The best way to hone this skill is through meditation. Meditation allows ones thoughts to settle and one's Essence to be present untainted by emotion, thoughts, perceptions, or judgements. Medititation as well can seem like a daunting task as well, but it in fact one of the most natural states of consciousness. The key to meditation is non-attachment. One should just let themself be. Just allow yourself to sit and watch. Mantras can be used to help the particularly unruly mind. If using a mantra say it once and then allow your mind to bring the word into the forefront of your consciousness when it wants...just let the thoughts settle, and if they present themselves see them as you would a house as you pass by in a car...notice it and don't give it any mind. By practicing meditation even for a few minutes a day you will be able not only to gain a deeper sense of knowlege in the universe to guide you through your spiritual path...but you will also empower your magic greatly.

3. Get Someone's Opinion, The A Second, Then A Third...although its easy to get caught in a group mentality when you are apart of a spiritual community, it is also important to remember that you are apart of a world-wide community. Don't forget that everyone and anyone can be your teacher, from a child to a pet, to a homeless person, to the person behind you in the grocery store. Just as well, when your going along your spiritual path you should not let yourself get so focused on the opinions of only one type of person that you forget there are other perspectives.

4. Stay balanced. In the Golden Dawn the Magician Card shows the picture of the enlightened mage standing above an alter with representations of the four elements upon it. The magician learns while going through the Outer Order that he must balance the elements within himself as the start of mastering the self. Yes, the start. This is your foundation, and building this foundation firmly and within your Sphere of Sensation will give you the ability to genuinly determine the future of your spiritual path. It is through this balance that one can then begin work with the Metals or Alchemical Symbols present in Adepthood.

So much more can be said on this topic...but as always there is so little time.

Nosce te Ipsum


Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The Essence of The Rosicrucian

A very bright student sent me a ritual earlier this week that she had been working on for me to review. As I was reading through it I came across something I had not thought about in awhile, but which has always been very profound to me. It is often known at "The Confession" or "Negative Confession" which is taken from the "Papyrus if Ani". If you are familiar with Egyptian mythology and especially if you are a student of the Golden Dawn you should be well familiar with The Egyptian Book of The Dead aka the Pert-Em-Hru, which roughly translates to "The Book of Coming Forth By Day".

In it the soul of the deceased, guided by Anubis is brought through the underworld to re-unite with Osiris. Some of you may know of this as an analogy for The Great Work, or Alchemia. As the soul (candidate) is taken through the Duat (underworld) he is brought before Maat, who weighs the heart against the weight of her feather. Should the soul be lighter than the feather than it would be granted eternal life in the Duat and unification with Osiris. If it weigh heavier the soul would be consumed by Ammit a creature depicted with the head of a crocodile, the hind-legs of a hippopotums, and the forequarters of a lion.

The beauty of "The Confession" is that it really expressed the true essence of what it means to be a Rosicrucian. And in return it affirms the connection that Rosicrucianism has with Egypt both alchemically and in spiritual teachings. I believe "The Confession" is one of those rare pieces of human history that represents the true essence of "The Rosicrucian Way" It is by standards such as these that an Adept of the Rose and Cross should seek to live in his life the highest of standards. Presented below is "The Confession".

I hope you will enjoy this, and should you have any suggestions for other texts in this vein please feel free to leave them in the comments section so that myself and others may explore them. I highly recommend "The Ladder of Divine Ascent" by John Climacus and "Rosicrucian Symbols" by Franz Hartmann. The latter has a wonderful chapter on living the Rosicrucian Way.

Nosce te Ipsum


"I have destroyed wickedness. I have not done evil to mankind. I have not oppressed the members of my family. I have not wrought evil in place of right and truth. I have no intimacy with worthless men. I have not demanded first consideration. I have not decreed that excessive labor be performed for me. I have not brought forward my name for exaltation or honors. I have not defrauded the oppressed of their property. I have made no man suffer hunger. I have made no one to weep. I have caused no pain to be inflicted upon man or animal. I have not defrauded the temple of their oblations. I have not diminished from the bushel. I have not filched away land. I have not encroached upon the fields of others. I have not added to the weights of the scales to cheat the seller and I have not misread the pointer of the scales to cheat the buyer. I have not kept milk from the mouths of children. I have not turned back the water at the time it should flow. I have not extinguished the fire when it should burn. I have not repulsed God in His Manifestation."

and following this confession we often say...

For I am Osiris triumphant, Even Osiris Onnophris, the Justified One. I am He who is clothed with the body of flesh, yet in whom is the spirit of the Great Unknowable One. I am the Lord of Life, triumphant over death. He who partaketh with me shall rise with me. I am the Manifestor in matter of those whose abode is in the invisible. I am purified; I stand upon the universe, I am the reconciler with the eternal gods, I am the perfector of matter and without me the universe is naught.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

The Truth About Robert Zink's "Expulsion"

Avete My Brothers and Sisters,

Unfortunately today I write with a heavy heart. As you know I have been "off the radar" for quite some time. I have said a few times this has been due to my graduate studies, however the real truth is that troubling Order needs have taken up the bulk of my time. I have been remiss in writing this particular blog because it deals with many sensitive issues. However, recent incidents surrounding the announcement of Robert Zink's expulsion have made it necessary that I confirm the truth regarding this incident.

On Febuary 5th a public announcement was made by "The Esoteric Order of the Golden Dawn" that Robert Zink had been permanently deposed from his position as Chief and expelled indefinitley. Every claim in this document is true, just as are the names of every Adept of the Second Order including myself.

Due to this announcement please know that the websites and are owned and operated by Robert Zink and thus no longer belong to the Order. We will not be accepting any applications via these websites. You may however visit for links to our Temples and Sanctuaries.

For those of you who may not have seen it I will post the official announcement below. You will note that every Adepts' decision was completely accounted for.

Also, please know that this decision was not made light-heartedly, nor in a spirit of hate or spite. It was made only after much deliberation, reflection, and in communion with those who guide our Order in the material and immaterial. It was made with the heaviest of hearts.

Light in Extension,


Official Announcement February 5th ,2011

Greetings in LVX,

It is come to the point where we of the Second Order have to take the
unfortunate action of deposing former G.H. Frater P.D.R. (Robert Zink) of his
highly influential position and expelling him from the Esoteric Order of the
Golden Dawn. He received the grievances from the Adepti of the Second Order,
but was still given a great deal of time and opportunity to reform his ways. In
response to this, he persists to hold himself above accountability and has gone
to great lengths to secure his own position through surreptitiously ensuring as
much of the Order's assets were under his sole control as possible. There are
many grievances that the Body of Adepti has brought to him, however the main
points that have lead to this final decision are as follows:

1. Robert Zink has taken thousands of dollars from Initiates and Adepti in
return for promised products and services that he did not deliver on, nor
refund. His poor business practices continue to afflict many Initiates and
Adepti and, despite many promises of reform, he has shown no signs of changing
or even slowing down.

2. Robert Zink has used the forums, materials and name of the Esoteric Order of
the Golden Dawn in connection with his personal products and services against
the will of the Second Order and has refused to stop doing so. The result has
been that the public and our own initiates perceive that our Order endorses his
products and services. Let it be clear that the Esoteric Order of the Golden
Dawn does not endorse his products and services, nor do we approve of them at

3. Robert Zink has created and uses several blogs and forums that he has
connected with our Order's name to make personal attacks on other members of the
Golden Dawn Community especially, but not limited to, David Griffin. Let it be
understood, that although David Griffin's Order and ours operate under very
different philosophies and interpretations of the Golden Dawn Tradition, we do
not condone these attacks by Robert Zink and they do not reflect the attitudes
of the Adepti of our Second Order.

4. Robert Zink has abused his position of influence along with his well-studied
knowledge of techniques such as Neuro-Linguistic Programming and psychological
manipulation to endear a substantial number of Outer Order initiates to his
personal unpaid servitude. We find this practice cultish, detestable and in no
way a reflection of the true principles and practices of the Golden Dawn

5. Robert Zink threatened and in several cases has admitted to performing magic
intended to cause harm upon several initiates and Adepti when they attempted to
hold him accountable for his poor business transactions and mistreatment of
members of our Order and their non-initiate family.

As a result of the above points, Robert Zink has sullied the spiritual and
magical development of a great many initiates of our Order. In addition he has
caused great and in many cases irreparable damage to our Order's reputation and
the reputation of the Golden Dawn Tradition as a whole in the eyes of the

It is for these reasons and many others not mentioned here that Robert Zink,
formerly G.H. Frater P.D.R., is stripped of his rank, position, and authority
and expelled from the Esoteric Order of the Golden Dawn.

Let it be understood that due to his surreptitious actions, the websites of our
Order under the names of and are
under his personal control. All moneys, inquiries and applications sent via
these websites currently go to him personally and do not go to our Order. Any
personal information provided to his sites will ultimately be used by him as
part of his marketing database to promote his personal products. No Temple of
our Order supports him nor will perform initiations on behalf of those from whom
he accepts money and applications. As such, any promise of initiation, astral
or otherwise, that he makes will be a deception.

For the time being the official websites representing the Esoteric Order of the
Golden Dawn as a whole will be those of our two Grand Temples:

Sincerely and in LVX,
The Chiefs and Adepti of the Esoteric Order of the Golden Dawn

The undersigned represent the entire body of the Second Order. With the
exception of only a couple verbal responses, all approval statements are on
file. It should be noted that all the Chiefs and Adepti of our Order, including
the dissenting votes, agree that the accusations given above are true and that
something must be done to protect the public and our own initiates. Those
dissenting disagree only with the action of expulsion. With 3 Chief Adepti vs. 1
for expulsion and one abstention and the overwhelming approval of the Adepti of
the Second Order, this act of expulsion is confirmed.

Approve, GH Frater AA, Chief Adept
Approve, GH Frater ICL, Chief Adept
Approve, GH Frater SI, Chief Adept
Abstain, GH Frater BT, Chief Adept, Nuance: Agrees that the accusations are
true, agrees that Robert Zink's contact with the Outer Order should be cut
Disapprove, GH Frater TDL, Chief Adept, Nuance: Agrees that the accusations are

Approve, VH Frater IC
Approve, VH Frater SD
Approve, VH Soror CMU
Approve, VH Frater CDD
Approve, VH Frater P
Approve, VH Frater VMP
Approve, VH Frater OOA
Approve, VH Soror RT
Approve, VH Frater MD (Ptah)
Approve, VH Frater MD (LLL)
Approve, VH Frater PV
Approve, VH Soror AEI
Approve, VH Frater ID
Approve, VH Soror POIO
Approve, VH Soror VPP
Approve, VH Frater FOF
Approve, VH Soror SM
Approve, VH Frater SA
Approve, VH Frater CE
Approve, VH Soror B
Abstain, VH Frater SLS, Nuance: Agrees that the accusations are true, agrees
that Robert Zink's contact with the Outer Order should be cut
Abstain, VH Soror P, Nuance: Agrees that the accusations are true, agrees that
Robert Zink's contact with the Outer Order should be cut
Disapprove, VH Frater DN (D), Nuance: Agrees that the accusations are true
Disapprove, VH Frater DN (T), Nuance: Agrees that the accusations are true,
agrees that Robert Zink's contact with the Outer Order should be cut