Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The Binding Colors of Light - A Poem

I am dedicating this poem to all the people on the path who have extended their support and love to those in need whether it be brother or sister, student, or friend, or even an unsuspecting stranger. Our path is not the solitary path, but the path of fraternity. Thank you to everyone who has embraced the true essence of that bond.

The Binding Colors of Light

You were like a rainbow to me,

Like a bridge between the sun and the rain

A moment of promise,

Between the scintillating light within us

And the over-bearing times of pain.

Your colors wore through me

Causing a subtle shift,

And when I looked up

I was lifted out of the horror

That sometimes life plots

To fracture us with.

You invited me to see another side of life

From a perspective all your own.

I remember the way we played,

I remember the way we innocently

Took things too far

To test ourselves and see

The quality of our hearts.

I put my hands into your facets

I breathed them in

Your energy flowed through

The caverns of my heart and mind,

I attempted to return it

With the same love and hope

You offered me over time.

In the end, like all things, you faded

But in the end, like all things, you returned

More beautiful than the past

Your colors presenting themselves

More clearly than before.

Bouncing off the drops of cloudburst left behind

I could see your shining glory

Filling the space of time.

A small reminder

That hope is never torn

From the ones

Who truly share their love.

And the vision of the rainbow

Is that no matter how far apart

We can look in the sky

And be reminded of the beauty of

Frienships’ extended arms

The way they touch softly the good and bad parts

The way they offer promise to those

Who find themselves

Rent within their hearts.


  1. Thank you for beautifying the world with your words. This poetry appears to me to be truly inspired. So thank you again.

  2. Suecae...you always make my day :) What a blessing you are to those who have the privilege of knowing you. You are a true brother of the Great Work.

  3. It seems that your heart is open, flowing with love and compassion. Your words are spoken softly from the heart as if they were like little inspirational curents of healing. I feel warmth in my heart when reading your words of wizdom and iner humility and slight tears in my eyes in the siught of beauty you posesss inside. My blessings to you !
    In Love and Light.

  4. You must become,not only do
    You must awake..that is the clue
    Under the sea..there is a kripto
    In this and that..and in you too...


    You must be careful not to forget that this poem is about more about yourself,then the others.If you forget this clue..then you miss the essence.Beautiful poem..kisses:)

    ps..you wrote:
    And the vision of the rainbow

    Is that no matter how far apart

    We can look in the sky

    And be reminded of the beauty of

    Frienships’ extended arms..

    right..but you are the rainbow..that is the Hermes secret..kiss:)

  5. beautiful poem...
    though you might also like my poem
    The Raven King Greets The Dawn...

  6. Thank you all for sharing your comments and experiences. I learn so much from all of you. To share this Divine path with such wonderful people is such a blessing :)
